Can My Botox Be Covered Under OHIP or Insurance?


Can My Botox Be Covered Under OHIP or Insurance?

May 19, 2022

There is a lot of confusion surrounding whether or not Botox treatments are covered under OHIP or insurance. Some people seem to have no issue getting their treatments taken care of, while others always have to pay out of pocket. So what's going on here? Why do some people have to pay while others don't? Well, in short, it depends on your specific situation. In this blog post, we will try and provide some clarity around these situations to help you determine whether or not you may be eligible for coverage.

Cosmetic Purposes

If you are looking to get Botox for cosmetic purposes, then you will most likely have to pay out of pocket. Unfortunately, OHIP and even private insurance policies don't typically cover these types of treatments. The same goes for if you are looking to get Botox as a preventative measure against wrinkles. Even though it is becoming increasingly popular to get Botox treatments at a younger age, it is still considered a cosmetic procedure.

Medical Purposes

While cosmetic Botox treatments are out, there are some cases where Botox treatments may be covered under OHIP or your insurance. Let's take a closer look at some of these below.

Hyperhidrosis (Excessive Sweating)

If you suffer from hyperhidrosis, which is a condition that causes excessive sweating, then you may be eligible for coverage as it is considered a medical treatment. This is because this kind of sweating can cause serious social and emotional problems as well as physical discomfort, and Botox has been shown to provide some relief. 

So, if your doctor feels that the Botox treatments are medically necessary, then you may be able to get them covered by private insurance. The keyword here is "may" - be sure to check with your provider to see if you're eligible. On the other hand, this type of procedure isn't typically covered by OHIP, so expect to pay yourself if you don't have private insurance.


Another condition that Botox has been shown to provide relief for is migraines. If you suffer from chronic migraines, your doctor may recommend Botox treatments as a way to help lessen the intensity and frequency of your migraines.

While this procedure isn't covered by OHIP, this is another situation where some private insurance plans may pay for Botox treatments. Again, be sure to take a look at your insurance plan before booking an appointment.

Focal Spasticity

Finally, focal spasticity is a condition that causes muscle stiffness and spasms. Under certain circumstances, your doctor may recommend Botox treatments as a way to help lessen these symptoms.

This is one of those special situations where Botox is typically covered by OHIP, so you don't necessarily need to worry about having private insurance. If you want to learn more about the very specific medical instances where Botox is covered by OHIP, check out the government of Ontario's website here.

The Bottom Line

So there you have it! A brief overview of whether or not Botox can be covered under OHIP or insurance. As you can see, it really depends on your specific situation. If you're looking to get Botox for cosmetic purposes, you will most likely have to pay out of pocket (sorry!). However, if you're looking to get Botox for medical purposes, you may be able to get it covered either under private insurance or OHIP. Be sure to check with your doctor and insurance plan before booking an appointment to avoid any surprises.

Ready to get your treatments? Contact Lyft Medical Aesthetics today to discuss your needs!