Is Microneedling Permanent for Scars?


Is Microneedling Permanent for Scars?

November 26, 2021

While microneedling may be best known for its ability to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, it has also proven to be quite effective in diminishing the appearance of scars, especially acne scars. After receiving microneedling treatments for scars, though, do patients still require the same kinds of touch-ups to maintain their results? Or is microneedling permanent for scars? Before you start thinking about how you’re going fit those follow-up appointments into your schedule, let’s explore these questions further below.

Microneedling is a non-invasive procedure that uses tiny needles to stimulate collagen production in the skin, thereby reducing the signs of aging and enhancing its overall texture and appearance. Those who undergo microneedling procedures for its anti-aging effects do so knowing that they will require touch-ups every few months to keep up their appearance, but what about those who are using it for other purposes?

While microneedling may be best known for its ability to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, it has also proven to be quite effective in diminishing the appearance of scars, especially acne scars. After receiving microneedling treatments for scars, though, do patients still require the same kinds of touch-ups to maintain their results? Or is microneedling permanent for scars? Before you start thinking about how you’re going fit those follow-up appointments into your schedule, let’s explore these questions further below.

How Does Microneedling Help with Acne Scars?

There are different types of acne scars, and the ones that typically respond best to microneedling procedures are called atrophic acne scars. These look like dents or depressions in the skin and are a result of a loss of collagen, as sometimes after a breakout the affected areas can’t produce the same amount of collagen as they did before.

Microneedling not only helps stimulate collagen production in these areas, but it also works to break down the scar tissue, effectively reducing the appearance of atrophic acne scars and improving the texture of your skin. 

Does Microneedling for Acne Scars Work on All Skin Types?

Unlike some skin treatments, microneedling for acne scars is to be considered safe and effective for all skin types and tones. However, it is not recommended if you have certain skin conditions. Those who are currently experiencing an acne breakout or are affected by eczema or rosacea should not undergo a microneedling procedure, as it may make symptoms worse.

How Many Treatments Do You Need for Microneedling for Acne Scars?

It really depends on the individual and the severity of their scars, but on average those with moderate acne scars need anywhere from 3 – 5 microneedling treatments. If the scars are more severe, then it may take an additional procedure or two.

How Often Should You Receive Microneedling Treatments for Acne Scars?

On average, you should wait 4 – 6 weeks between treatments. This allows enough time to ensure that the collagen has had enough time to fully form in the skin.

Does Microneedling Remove Acne Scars Permanently?

Yes, microneedling can permanently remove acne scars due to its ability to break down scar tissue and boost collagen production in the skin – at least to a point. As we get older, our bodies tend to produce less collagen, which decreases the elasticity of the skin. Therefore, over time, you may start to notice the return of some of your acne scars.

This is why some dermatologists recommend maintenance appointments about once a year. You’ll still likely have lasting results without these follow-ups, but for best results it’s a good idea to keep up with additional treatments.