Will I Bruise Getting Botox?


Will I Bruise Getting Botox?

December 1, 2021

While serious side effects from Botox® injections are rare, minor inconveniences such as bruising are possible. However, there are some things that you can do to help minimize or prevent such bruises.

Botox® is one of the most popular injectable cosmetic procedures around for reducing the appearance of the fine lines, wrinkles, and deep folds that can develop as we age. Part of its appeal is that it’s an effective, minimally invasive treatment that requires virtually no recovery time, which means you can continue going through your daily routine as you wait for the full results to take effect.

While serious side effects from Botox® injections are rare, minor inconveniences such as bruising are possible. However, there are some things that you can do to help minimize or prevent such bruises.

Keep the Area Iced and Elevated

Applying something cold to the treatment area can help slow down the blood flow to your injection sites, thereby reducing the chance of bruising. And, as a bonus, it will also help reduce any discomfort you may be experiencing from the needles by numbing the area.

While you are applying ice, also try and make sure to elevate your injection sites. This helps prevent your blood from pooling, further reducing your risk of developing bruises.

Avoid Strenuous Physical Activity

While you may not technically need any serious recovery time after receiving Botox® injections, you may still want to avoid any vigorous exercise right away if you’re worried about bruising. Strenuous physical activity typically increases your blood flow, heart rate, and blood pressure, which can increase the odds of developing bruises at your injection sites.

Steer Clear of Alcohol Before and After the Procedure

If you normally like to relax with a glass of wine or cocktail at the end of the day, then you may want to skip it around your Botox® appointment time. Alcohol is a vasodilator, meaning it relaxes and widens your blood vessels. This increases the blood flow throughout your body, which can also increase your chances of developing bruises.

Fortunately, this effect is only temporary, so you only need to avoid it for the 24 hours before and 24 hours after your procedure.

Avoid Taking Certain Medications and Supplements Before Treatment

Some medications and supplements can have blood thinning effects, which can significantly increase the likelihood of bruising. Therefore, try and avoid taking the following for at least one week before receiving Botox® injections:

  • NSAIDS (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories), like Motrin®, Advil®, and Aleve®
  • Eliquis®, Pradaxa®, and Coumadin®
  • Gingko biloba, ginseng, and other herbs
  • Fish oil, flaxseed, and other Omega-3 supplements

Note that if you are taking any of these medications to treat a serious condition, you may want to speak with your doctor before stopping treatment. If they recommend that you stay on the medication, then just let your practitioner know before going in for your injections. You may be more likely to bruise, but don’t worry – it will go away!

Try Arnica

While some supplements may increase the odds of bruising after treatment, others can help prevent it from occurring in the first place. Arnica is a natural herb that is commonly used by Botox® patients to reducing swelling and bruising at their injection sites. You can find it in the form of oral tablets or topical ointments in a lot of pharmacies, homeopathic stores, and online shops.